A lazy afternoon sitting in a street cafe watching the busy world go by. As you sip your cappuccino and munch on sweet treats, people go about their everyday lives running to appointments or managing needed errands. The world is moving at a fast pace while you watch from the sidelines.

That feeling you get when you are sitting under soft lights on a summer evening. Candles flicker with a warm breeze as you hold a fruity cocktail in your hand. The surrounding garden casts long shadows and silhouetted shapes only punctuated by the pin-point lights of dancing fire flies.

The relaxing ocean waves constantly lap the sandy beach as the sun drops below the horizon. A bell announces the approach of a cart full of cold summer treats. As your stomach rumbles, the only thought running though your mind as you sit on your beach towel with book in hand, is of the flavours you want to experience before the sun set completely.

A flower cart full of colourful petals and plentiful leaves of all shapes and sizes. The florist selling her wares stands to the side pulling sprigs for her custom fragrant bouquet while a stylish lady in heels reaches for her wallet.

That feeling you get when you are sitting in a garden conservatory listening to the birds and drinking in all the colourful petals. A slight, warm breeze rustles the gauzy curtains and tinkles the chandelier. Your afternoon guest mingle as they wander in and out of the open door, sipping tall glasses of fresh lemonade just slightly sweetened.